Bill O'Reilly Proves God's Existence?

It kind of sucks when some of us spend years of rigorous disciplined training and research trying to understand the nature of reality only to be one-upped by the supernatural theo-philosophical powers of pundits like Bill O'Reilly.
As part of this ongoing and silly billboard battle between Christians and atheists, Papa Bear dropped the following version of the bombshell god-of-the-gaps argument on atheists. And here I thought the argument proved the existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster...
Stephen Colbert and Neil DeGrasse Tyson discuss the incredible implications:
The Colbert Report
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Kneel before Neil! :)
Update: Papa Bear fights back:
The Colbert Report
Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Video Archive
The stupid... it hurts!!!
Fox News' Sexist Remarks On Hillary Clinton's Age
We all know that since Republican presidential candidates have an uncanny ability to get caught in embarrassing scandals and to trip over themselves left and right, Fox News will do whatever it can to try to discredit Hillary Clinton, their most feared...
Patricia Churchland On The Colbert Report
One of the challenges many of Stephen Colbert's guests have, even those who are super educated and smart, is being able to deal with the speed of his wit and sophistry. Of course, philosophers from the time of Socrates have learned how to deal with...
Take The Money, Donald Trump! Do It For The Children!
Apparently Donald Trump wants to help charities, but he won't donate the money without extorting President Obama to release documents that, let's face it, will not satisfy the birthers and their conspiracy theories. Fortunately, Stephen Colbert...
Tiny Triumphs - Lethal Drug Shortage Irony
No, I'm not talking about the fact that the standard practice is to sterilize the needle for a lethal injection (it does make one wonder, though), or even about the fact that the lethal drug has an expiration date... I'll just let Stephen Colbert...
Rep. Steve King Is A Racist Douchebag
One could argue that it takes major balls to make the claim that minorities (like blacks and native Americans) owe reparations to white people for past injustices (like the cost of slavery), but a better argument might be that what it takes is a complete...