Annie Leonard and Stephen Colbert on Stuff

Your stuff has a dark and secret life, and it's not just, as Colbert fears, that your bean bag is gay. If you've ever wondered where your stuff comes from before you buy it, where it goes after you throw it away, how it affects people all over the world, or the kind of environmental footprint it causes, or what it ultimately says about you (and it's not how cool you are, by the way), then you should watch the short, educational and entertaining animation film The Story of Stuff. Hell, you should even watch it even if you've never wondered any of these questions.
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c |
Annie Leonard | |
Colbert Report Full Episodes | Political Humor | Skate Expectations |
After you've watched the animation, why not read the book too?
Patricia Churchland On The Colbert Report
One of the challenges many of Stephen Colbert's guests have, even those who are super educated and smart, is being able to deal with the speed of his wit and sophistry. Of course, philosophers from the time of Socrates have learned how to deal with...
Dawkins On The Daily Show? Fuck That: Metallica On Colbert!
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If Fifty Shades Of Grey Is Not Dirty Enough For Your Taste, Try The Bible, But Don't Say I Didn't Warn You
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Bill O'reilly Proves God's Existence?
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Tiny Triumphs - Lethal Drug Shortage Irony
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