Snark Attack

Snark Attack

My Fellow Comedists,

I'm worried. We'll be on the road Sunday, driving home from Vermont. Usually no big deal, but a good deal of of the trip will take us through New York State. New York State on Sunday -- as hundreds upon hundreds of gay and lesbian couples will be getting married, we will be right there, me and TheWife, just trying to go home as the very institution of marriage crumbles beneath us. I need help. I need strategies. My nukular family will be experiencing the social and moral equivalent of Y2K. I'm thinking that we need to go incognito, so I've brought along a plaid flannel shirt for TheWife and a cd of show tunes to keep me calm and distracted. Sure, the world will end in 2012, but that leaves us a full year to worry about. Give me a hand, friends, aside from visiting Michelle Bachmann's husband, what can we do?

Live, love, and laugh,

Irreverend Steve

- The Admiral Fell Inn
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- Best Typo
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- Oxymorons
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- Passing The Plate: Wedding Edition
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- Take My Wife, Please
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