

My Fellow Comedists,

Today the less short of the short people asked "What is an oxymoron"? Not wanting to use "jumbo shrimp" or "military intelligence," I came up with "vegetarian meatballs." I'd have said "happily married," but TheWife would have slapped me. Other than "working philosopher," what are your favorite oxymorons?

Live, love, and laugh,

Irreverend Steve

- The Admiral Fell Inn
My Fellow Comedists, Taking advantage of one of the days when my semester is over but the short people are still in school, TheWife and I went down to Fells Point.  At its heart is an establishment named after the namesake of the neighborhood, a...

- Funniest Places On The Web
My Fellow Comedists, It comes to my attention that these new-fangled intertubes can be used for the funny. What are the most humorous places on the web we should be reading? The Onion, The Borowitz Report, and Funny or Die certainly have highest profiles....

- Are The Three Stooges Timeless?
My Fellow Comedists, I've been working my way through Robert Solomon's piece on the Three Stooges. The short people LOVE the Stooges, while TheWife cannot stand them. This would not seem unusual. There is clearly an age and gender divide in Stooge...

- Laughter Is The Best Medicine
My Fellow Comedists, The short people, also known as incubators with feet, have passed on a nasty bug (serves me right for teaching them to share). So, as I'm feeling lousy, it's your turn. Say something funny for me. Live, love, and feel better,...

- Comedist Confessions
My Fellow Comedists, We just had Yom Kippur, the day when Jews around the world ask for forgiveness for their sins. (Leave it to the Jews to make the holiest day of the year a time set aside to feel guilty.) Catholics have confession and I was just listening...

