Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For Today?

Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For Today?

I feel sorry for Monica Goodling, the former aide to Alberto Gonzales who has to plead the 5th in her bid not to testify before Congress in the US Attorney scandal. A member of the Bush administration's Department of Justice going to the Constitution for protection must be like Ken Lay asking a former Enron employee to lend him five bucks 'til payday.

I feel sorry for Rush Limbaugh's fact checker. I mean, c'mon dude, if you are going to be a non-existent being, at least be an intersting one like a unicorn, Iraqi WMDs, or John McCain's chances of winning the Republican presidential nomination.

I feel sorry for Terry Anderson. This guy must be PISSED. I mean, not only was he held for 2,454 days by the Iranians, but when they released him, he didn't get a gift bag and a free suit.

Who do you feel sorry for today?

- Pity Party
Time for a pity party. Whom do you feel sorry for? I feel sorry for the line workers at Kellogg's. Here we are in a recession, their jobs hanging by a thread, and their management goes and drops Michael Phelps as a spokesperson because he smoked pot....

- Pity Party: Whom Do You Feel Sorry For?
Been a while since we've had a pity party, so let's open it up. This week, I feel sorry for Joe Lieberman. Apparently, John "Maverick" McCain really wanted to pick Holy Joe as his VP choice, but Karl Rove, the Bushes, and party insiders said...

- Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For Today?
Once again time for a pity party. I feel sorry for Vicki Iseman. I mean if you have to deny sleeping with someone famous and powerful, don't make it John McCain who looks like your creepy grandfather. I feel sorry for the American Leadership Project,...

- Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For?
Lots of people deserving pity recently. Here are mine: I feel sorry for George Allen. Former Senator Macaca tried so hard, but with Keith Ellison, the first Muslim American Congressman, being sworn in with Thomas Jefferson's personal copy of the Koran,...

- Who Do You Feel Sorry For?
I feel sorry for the White House staffer in the communications office who is part of the group that needs to track media coverage of the administration and has the job of reporting back every morning about the Daily Show with a straight face and a somber...

