Pity Party

Pity Party

Time for a pity party. Whom do you feel sorry for?

I feel sorry for the line workers at Kellogg's. Here we are in a recession, their jobs hanging by a thread, and their management goes and drops Michael Phelps as a spokesperson because he smoked pot. Kellogg, one of the world's largest snack manufacturers, say he doesn't represent the image they want, doesn't attract the market they are seeking. After all, potheads are not known to be large snack food consumers. No, instead, they'll just go back to the skateboarding, English speaking tiger.

I feel sorry for Hilda Solis whose nomination for Labor Secretary is being held hostage because of her support for legislation like the Employee Free Choice Act. Republicans are saying that her support for laws that would be of great importance to working men and women makes her unfit to head the Department of Labor.

I feel sorry for the friend of Nadya Suleman, the woman who just had octuplets after already giving birth to six other children. According to the AP, "Suleman, who now has 14 children, says all were conceived through in vitro fertilization with sperm donated by a friend." Dude, next time a neighbor comes to the door wiht a turkey baster and asks all innocent-like if she can borrow a cup of semen, tell her you just ran out.

So, whom do you feel sorry for today?

- Pity Party
Haven't done this one in a while. Whom do you feel sorry for this week? I feel sorry for Fred Phelps, spiritual leader of the Westboro Baptist Church, who has spent the last decade working his tail off to become the undisputed face of ignorant religious...

- Pity Party
Quick note: I will be playing HighTops in Timonium Sunday night. It's a new venue for comedy and supposed to be a very nice room, so support is greatly appreciated. It's a free show with some quite good comics on the bill, so I can guarantee some...

- Pity Party: Whom Do You Feel Sorry For?
Been a while since we've had a pity party, so let's open it up. This week, I feel sorry for Joe Lieberman. Apparently, John "Maverick" McCain really wanted to pick Holy Joe as his VP choice, but Karl Rove, the Bushes, and party insiders said...

- Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For Today?
Once again time for a pity party. I feel sorry for Vicki Iseman. I mean if you have to deny sleeping with someone famous and powerful, don't make it John McCain who looks like your creepy grandfather. I feel sorry for the American Leadership Project,...

- Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For Today?
We haven't had a pity party here in a while, so we're overdue. This week I feel sorry for the makers of roller coasters. Thanks to the stock market, they have joined the first baker who sliced bread, the ship-builders who gave us the Titanic,...

