Who do you feel sorry for?

Who do you feel sorry for?

I feel sorry for the White House staffer in the communications office who is part of the group that needs to track media coverage of the administration and has the job of reporting back every morning about the Daily Show with a straight face and a somber or outraged tone of voice.

I feel sorry for Jeb Bush. He must watch every press conference by The Decider and feel like the Pete Best of politics.

I feel sorry for the callgirls hired by Mitch Wade and Brent Wilkes for Duke Cunningham and the alleged other Republican Congressmen. Having to do suffer the indignity of doing what they had to do for those pasty old white guys and then having to watch the media make a big deal about armoires. At least the fancy French furniture got to keep their drawers.

Whom do you feel sorry for today?

- Pity Party: Whom Do You Feel Sorry For?
Been a while since we've had a pity party, so let's open it up. This week, I feel sorry for Joe Lieberman. Apparently, John "Maverick" McCain really wanted to pick Holy Joe as his VP choice, but Karl Rove, the Bushes, and party insiders said...

- Who Do You Feel Sorry For?
I feel sorry for former Maryland Lieutenant governor Kathleen Kennedy Townshend. Before George "Macaca" Allen's implosion took him from shoe-in to laughing stock, she had a firm grip on the title of "worst political campaign in the last decade." I...

- Who Do You Feel Sorry For?
I feel sorry for Katherine Harris. It took years of hard work and concerted effort to become the biggest joke in Florida politics, but a couple of IM's leaked to the press and Foley wiped her right off the late night map. I feel sorry for George Smoot....

- Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For Today?
I feel sorry for Dick Durbin. Having your intellectual property stolen by George Allen is like getting mugged by Steven Hawking. On that note, I feel sorry for Macaques. Being associated with George Allen is a terrible insult to one's primate status....

- Pity Party: Whom Do You Feel Sorry For Today?
A lot of people to feel sorry for in this installment: I feel sorry for the writers of The Onion. With the announcement of a "White House Director of Lessons Learned," how do you possibly write satire that outpaces this administration? I feel sorry for...

