Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For?

Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For?

Lots of people deserving pity recently. Here are mine:

I feel sorry for George Allen. Former Senator Macaca tried so hard, but with Keith Ellison, the first Muslim American Congressman, being sworn in with Thomas Jefferson's personal copy of the Koran, Virgil Goode replaces Allen as the biggest racist jackass to be recently elected from Virginia.

I feel sorry for Chevy Chase, with Gerald Ford having gone the way of his talk show, one of his classic bits is gone forever.

I feel sorry for Rush Limbaugh. Nixon and Reagan both used the FBI to cover up the fact that William Renquest was addicted to painkillers and suffering from paranoid delusions. The fact that Limbaugh's own drug addiction and paranoid delusions were allowed to be made public clearly means that he just isn't that important to the conservative movement.

I feel sorry for Generals Casey and Abizade and John Negroponte. I thought that when Bush demoted you for not doing your job well, he was supposed to give you the medal of freedom.

So who do you feel sorry for today?

- Pity Party: Whom Do You Feel Sorry For?
Been a while since we've had a pity party, so let's open it up. This week, I feel sorry for Joe Lieberman. Apparently, John "Maverick" McCain really wanted to pick Holy Joe as his VP choice, but Karl Rove, the Bushes, and party insiders said...

- Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For Today?
We haven't had a pity party here in a while, so we're overdue. This week I feel sorry for the makers of roller coasters. Thanks to the stock market, they have joined the first baker who sliced bread, the ship-builders who gave us the Titanic,...

- Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For Today?
I feel sorry for Monica Goodling, the former aide to Alberto Gonzales who has to plead the 5th in her bid not to testify before Congress in the US Attorney scandal. A member of the Bush administration's Department of Justice going to the Constitution...

- Who Do You Feel Sorry For?
I feel sorry for Katherine Harris. It took years of hard work and concerted effort to become the biggest joke in Florida politics, but a couple of IM's leaked to the press and Foley wiped her right off the late night map. I feel sorry for George Smoot....

- Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For Today?
I feel sorry for Dick Durbin. Having your intellectual property stolen by George Allen is like getting mugged by Steven Hawking. On that note, I feel sorry for Macaques. Being associated with George Allen is a terrible insult to one's primate status....

