Passing the Plate: May Day Edition

Passing the Plate: May Day Edition


I just finished my big gig in Lake Charles. I'll discuss it next weekend, but this weekend, yours truly needs some help. I'll be traveling tomorrow, so we'll be passing the plate.

In honor of May Day, it'll be worker jokes. They could involve any sort of occupation, but at least one must be mentioned. Here's my contribution: "A mathematician, a biologist and a physicist are sitting in a street cafe watching people going in and coming out of the house on the other side of the street. First they see two people going into the house. Time passes. After a while they notice three persons coming out of the house. The physicist says, "One of the two measurements wasn't very accurate." The biologist replies "They have reproduced".
The mathematician looks up and says, "If now exactly one person enters the house then it will be empty again."

Dig deep, people.

Live, love, and laugh.

Irreverend Steve

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