A Slice of Pi

A Slice of Pi

My Fellow Comedists,

This weekend is not only Einstein's birthday, but also pi day. So in honor of 3/14, let's have some mathematics jokes because as we know old mathematicians never die, they just lose some of their functions...
An engineer and a topologist were locked in the rooms for a day with a can of food but without an opener. At the end of the day, the engineer is sitting on the floor of his room and eating from the open can: He threw it against the walls until it cracked open. In the mathematician's room, the can is still closed but the mathematician has disappeared. There are strange noises coming from inside the can... When it is opened and the mathematician crawls out. "Damn! I got a sign wrong..."

There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand binary math, and those who don't.

Q: Why couldn't the moebius strip enroll at the school?
A: They required an orientation.

What are your favorite math jokes?

Live, love, and laugh,

Irreverend Steve

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