God: Wrong for America, Wrong for Your Penis

I recently reported on the absolutely bananas congregation sponsored by Texas governor Rick Perry. Very quickly, the idea is that a bunch of Christians "leaders" intent on running the country are basically aware that they have no idea how to do it, so their plan is just to ask God to help out. That's what I call leadership: give
me the money, pray for someone else to magically fix the problems.
But as Stephen Colbert makes clear, having Yahweh as your vice-president ticket is not that different than having Joe Biden as your vice-president ticket...
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Since God is wrong for America, should you vote for Jesus, Kant, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, or Frankenstein?
Dawkins On The Daily Show? Fuck That: Metallica On Colbert!
So apparently the blogosphere is awash with entries about the interview Richard Dawkins did with Jon Stewart a couple of days ago. I love Dawkins, and was thinking about posting that interview here, but when I realized Metallica had made an appearance...
Ecce Homo Art "restorator" Alpha Dog
A few weeks ago we posted a video on our Google+ page about a Spanish lady who attempted to "restore" an ecce homo fresco of Jesus. The New York Times also reported on it. Well, what started out as the presumed Son of God turned in her capable hands into...
Faith/off - Easter Vs Passover
And so it was that three days after his crucifixion, Jesus sent the Easter bunny to lay some chocolate eggs for kids to find, get high on sugary sweets, and eventually get tooth decay that would drive stock prices up for the Tooth Fairy's corporate...
The Evolution Of The Y-chromosome In The Colbert Report
Though I like to try to keep up with scientific developments, and consider myself relatively literate (for a layman) in these matters, there are times when I am truly surprised at the fact that something I thought I basically understood turns out to be...
Stephen Colbert Occupies Occupy Wall Street
Inspired by Dick Armey and how he co-opted the Tea Party and gave their fringe beliefs a national platform, Comrade Che Colbert wants his Super PAC to capitalize on the growing Occupy Wall Street movement. So, he met with two young idealists whose democratic,...