Unusual Einstein photographs
Here is a collection of not too often seen photographs of Einstein
"Declaration of Intention" to become a U.S. citizen, January 15th, 1936.
October 1st, 1940--Citizenship
"Observatório Nacional", during Einstein's visit to Brazil, in 1925
Conrad Habicht, Maurice Solovine, Albert Einstein
"Olympia Academy"
Einstein with Charlie Chaplin in Los Angeles at the "Los Angeles Theater" at the premiere of Chaplin's newest film City Lights on January 30th, 1931
Einstein and his wife Elsa in Japan in 1922. They hitched a ride on the Kitano-maru from Marseille, France and reached their final destination at Fukuoka, Japan where he gave a lecture [a long lecture probably due to translation] at the Daihaku Theater. It was during his sojourn that he learned that he had received the Nobel Prize. For an historical perspective consider that Hitler was on the horizon repleat with Nazi racism, Mussolini was entrenching his fascist dictatorship in Italy, France was moving into the Ruhr valley to claim reparation money from Germany. Einstein was very impressed with Japan and the Japanese people. Ironic: Twenty three years later Hiroshima and Nagasaki became history. And, as a further note during the time of the Einstein's visit there was a young man by the name of Hideki Yugawa who in 1934 published his paper on mesons and was later the first Japanese to win the Nobel Prize. In 1948 Yugawa was invited by Princeton University to become a guest professor at Princeton High Research Center. What an awkward situation. Yugawa met Einstein. It is related that a tearful Einstein said "I apologize to you with my deep heart on atomic bombs dropping on Hiroshima and Nagasaki."
Einstein and unknowns at Frankfurt University
Yerkes Observatory
Einstein with A.S. Eddington, P. Ehrenfest, Einstein and Marie Curie , and W. deSitter
Einstein with Kurt Gödel at Princeton University
Einstein and J.R. Oppenheimer, 1946
Einstein and Max Planck
Einstein and Thomas Mann
Einstein and Fritz Haber
Einstein and Marie Curie
Albert Einstein Moves To Princeton University On This Date
Dean Henry Burchard Fine of Princeton University and Albert Einstein in 1921 The Writer's Almanac... It was on this day in 1933 that Albert Einstein officially moved to the United States to teach at Princeton University. He had been in California...
Einstein Quotes
Well, this is supposed to be the "ultimate" Einstein quotes edited by Alice Calaprice who is "...a renowned expert on Albert Einstein and was a longtime senior editor at Princeton University Press. She has worked with the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein...
Albert Einstein's Methodology
Abstract... This paper discusses Einstein's methodology. The first topic is: Einstein characterized his work as a theory of principle and reasoned that beyond kinematics, the 1905 heuristic relativity principle could offer new connections between...
"a Brain Is A Terrible Thing To Lose"--al Gore
I might as well address this issue for it inevitably comes up in discussions about Einstein and that is the story of Einstein's brain. Einstein died on April 18th, 1955 at the age of seventy six in Princeton, New Jersey from heart failure. An autopsy...
Some Einstein Artifacts
Einstein's Nobel medal "It will perhaps be pleasanter and more understandable if instead of making a speech I play the violin." "A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy." This is interesting--the only...