Einstein quotes

Well, this is supposed to be the "ultimate" Einstein quotes edited by Alice Calaprice who is "...a renowned expert on Albert Einstein and was a longtime senior editor at Princeton University Press. She has worked with the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein since the founding of the project, has copyedited and overseen the production of all the volumes, and administered the accompanying translation series with a grant from the National Science Foundation."
Princeton University Press...
This is the definitive edition of the hugely popular collection of Einstein quotations that has sold tens of thousands of copies worldwide and been translated into twenty-five languages.
The Ultimate Quotable Einstein features roughly 1,600 quotes in all. This paperback edition includes sections unique to the ultimate collection--"On and to Children," "On Race and Prejudice," and "Einstein's Verses: A Small Selection"--as well as a chronology of Einstein's life and accomplishments, Freeman Dyson's authoritative foreword, and commentary and descriptive source notes by Alice Calaprice.
Sample chapter
The Ultimate Quotable Einstein
Collected and edited by Alice Calaprice
Foreword by Freeman Dyson
ISBN: 9780691160146
Albert Einstein Moves To Princeton University On This Date
Dean Henry Burchard Fine of Princeton University and Albert Einstein in 1921 The Writer's Almanac... It was on this day in 1933 that Albert Einstein officially moved to the United States to teach at Princeton University. He had been in California...
Einstein And The General Motors Advertisement
"GM wins Einstein ad lawsuit..." by Jerry Hirsch October 18th, 2012 The Los Angeles Times General Motors is winning the nerd wars. Earlier this week, it prevailed against Hebrew University of Jerusalem in a lawsuit over the use of the image of Albert...
Volume #13 Of 30...huge Project On Albert Einstein
"Caltech and Princeton University Press Release Thirteenth Volume of Einstein Papers" September 26th, 2012 by Kimm Fesenmaier In the fall of 1922, when Albert Einstein's Nobel Prize in Physics was announced, the already-famous physicist was on a...
Bad Hairday For Einstein?
Abstract: Two important and unpleasant events occurred in Albert Einstein’s life in 1920: That August an antirelativity rally was held in the large auditorium of the Berlin Philharmonic, and a few weeks later Einstein was drawn into a tense and highly...
"another Einstein?" Poll
Will there ever be an iconic figure like Einstein again? Yes...6 No...1 Perhaps...3 Hard to predict, but I doubt it. Einstein was historically in the right place at the right time. Einstein was part of the Classical Age of Physics, explained a far reaching...