Some Einstein artifacts

Einstein's Nobel medal
"It will perhaps be pleasanter and more understandable if instead of making a speech I play the violin.""A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit and a violin; what else does a man need to be happy." This is interesting--the only reference to Einstein's great grandson, Paul Einstein, who is apparently living in France. Nevertheless, it was Paul who played Albert's favorite Mozart piece, Sonata K304 in E-minor, on Einstein's violin at the German Physical Society celebration of Einstein's 125th birthday in Ulm, Germany in 2004. Ah, where is the violin? Back up a bit. Early 1930's: Hitler and his thugs continued their reign of terror and destroyed Einstein's lakeside villa in Berlin burning papers and absconding with the violin and other items. Maybe that violin is long gone for Einstein soon started playing the violin again at 112 Mercer St. The only assumption is that Paul Einstein has it.
20th Century Maple Music Stand at the Princeton Historical Society
20th Century Upholstered Tub Armchair at the Princeton Historical Society
Late 19th Century German Oak Cabinet at the Princeton Historical Society
19th Century Clock at the Princeton Historical Society
Bad Hairday For Einstein?
Abstract: Two important and unpleasant events occurred in Albert Einstein’s life in 1920: That August an antirelativity rally was held in the large auditorium of the Berlin Philharmonic, and a few weeks later Einstein was drawn into a tense and highly...
"genius/creativity" Poll
Is genius/creativity in an individual... Inherent...2 Environmental...0 Both...3 Humm, would the genius or creative person have better opportunities to cultivate same if the environment were more conducive than an environment of few opportunities or...
"a Brain Is A Terrible Thing To Lose"--al Gore
I might as well address this issue for it inevitably comes up in discussions about Einstein and that is the story of Einstein's brain. Einstein died on April 18th, 1955 at the age of seventy six in Princeton, New Jersey from heart failure. An autopsy...
112 Mercer Street...where Einstein Lived
112 Mercer Street Princeton University Albert Einstein's house...a white frame two-story house with large front porch in Greek revival style where the physicist lived from the time he was ousted the Nazis and joined the Institute for Advanced Study...
Unusual Einstein Photographs
Here is a collection of not too often seen photographs of Einstein "Declaration of Intention" to become a U.S. citizen, January 15th, 1936. October 1st, 1940--Citizenship "Observatório Nacional", during Einstein's visit to Brazil, in 1925 Conrad...