The Kalam Cosmological Argument 2.0

The Kalam Cosmological Argument 2.0

Religious apologists are like magicians: they trick you into believing they're accomplished something philosophically profound and real (like 'proving' that some stone-age God exists), and then they pull a rabbit out of their magical hat (telling you exactly what that God does and doesn't want you to do, what kind of sexual activities it's okay for you to engage on, who you have to discriminate against, etc.). Jesus and Mo capture this lunacy hilariously:

- God And Philosophy: Does God Exist?
Saint Anselm of Canterbury (c. 1033-1109) Theists seek the proofthat God exists while atheists seek the proof that God doesn?t exist. You?re probably wondering if there is any evidence that God exists (or that he does not)? Philosophy of religion is perhaps...

- What?s The Point Of Arguing About Art?
We?ve all been witness to the following type of conversation: Anthony: Have you heard the new so and so album? Maria: Yea, it?s wack. So and so is falling off. Anthony: You?re trippin?. Did you listen to track 10? It?s fire. Maria: Yea, I listened. That...

- Analogical "reasoning" In Religion
The always clever creator of Jesus & Mo has just released this new brilliant and hilarious installment highlighting the weird and interesting special pleading to which religious apologists sometimes resort when confronted with the embarrassment...

- Rick Perry - Swrong
You may have seen, and been shocked by, the recent Rick Perry ad in which he came out (get it?) and made his religious lunacy and homophobia explicit on national television. Many people originally thought this had to be some sort of joke: no sane person...

- Are Science And Religion Compatible?
The question of whether science and religion are compatible is a difficult one to answer. I myself tend to think they are as compatible as a shark trying to have sex with a goat in the openness of outer space, but I'm open to the possibility that...

