Are Science and Religion Compatible?
The question of whether science and religion are compatible is a difficult one to answer. I myself tend to think they are as compatible as a shark trying to have sex with a goat in the openness of outer space, but I'm open to the possibility that a clever and profound articulation of religion might persuade me to change my mind.
What I refuse to accept, however, is the facile argument, endorsed not only by fundamentalists but by august scientific institutions, that the simple fact that some scientists are also religious somehow counts as evidence for the philosophical compatibility of science and religion.
But why waste time on technicalities when the brilliant humorist(s?) at Jesus and Mo can refute the argument with a beautiful
reductio ad absurdum? :)

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Can There Be A Fake Religion?
Before a meeting yesterday, I was glancing around the room at some of the older books in our religion department's library. One that caught my eye was called The World's Great Religions. I proposed other volumes for the series. For those that...
The Dalai Lama, Religion, And Science
Today is the Dalai Lama's birthday, so let's play with a couple of exchanges he had with Carl Sagan. Here is a recollection Sagan had of a brief bit of a day-long conversation the two shared in 1991: theological discussions with religious...
Debate - Is Islam A Religion Of Peace?
The question of whether Islam is a religion of peace is, as any intelligent person realizes, extremely complex. When debating any issue, philosophers are fond of trying to define their terms so that the conversation is focused and everyone understands...
Einstein, Religion, Science
"The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science." --Albert Einstein Abstract: In recent centuries the world has become increasingly dominated by empirical evidence...
Templeton Prize Criticized
"Templeton prize is bad news for religion, not science" by Michael Brooks March 25th, 2010 NewScientist In his acceptance today of the £1 million Templeton prize for "an exceptional contribution to affirming life's spiritual dimension", evolutionary...