Analogical "Reasoning" in Religion

Analogical "Reasoning" in Religion

The always clever creator of Jesus & Mo has just released this new brilliant and hilarious installment highlighting the weird and interesting special pleading to which religious apologists sometimes resort when confronted with the embarrassment of whether their holy texts are supposed to be understood literally or metaphorically (a lose-lose outcome either way).

That reminded me of a hilarious clip I saw a while ago, and which I forgot to share here, so might as well do it now: an attempt by St. Patrick to explain to a couple of simpletons just what the idea of the Holy Trinity means and how it's supposed to be understood:

And check out Richard Dawkins humorously exploring and exploiting the idea that if Adam's "original sin" is simply to be understood metaphorically (since it's demonstrably not a historical fact), it would make no sense for Jesus to be literally crucified and sacrificed to redeem humanity from a crime that was never committed to begin with...

- Holy Ghost, Batman
A theological plea today. I understand why the need is there to differentiate between God and Jesus, but what exactly is the Holy Ghost and what does it do that cannot be folded into the Father or the Son? When someone "feels the Spirit", why wouldn't...

- The Origin Of The Celebration Of Lent
Mt Fellow Comedists, I've been doing a lot of research into the history of religion lately as I wind up writing Einstein's Jewish Science, and this is inspired by a comment from good brother Hanno and is almost true: Setting: meeting room in the...

- Monty Python - The Argument Clinic
If you've ever met or seen philosophers in action, you've probably noticed a couple of things: they're wicked smart, they're incredibly nit-picky about defining their terms (and getting others to do the same), and they love to argue. I...

- Richard Dawkins - Sex, Death And The Meaning Of Life (1)
Dostoevsky's dictum "without God, anything is permitted" is often used by religious believers to make the point that, quite aside from the issue of its truth, religion plays an important role, perhaps even a necessary one, in fomenting moral behavior...

- Are Science And Religion Compatible?
The question of whether science and religion are compatible is a difficult one to answer. I myself tend to think they are as compatible as a shark trying to have sex with a goat in the openness of outer space, but I'm open to the possibility that...

