The Awesomest Sentence I Read Today

From a fascinating Slate article about why Robert Nozick came to reject the libertarianism his younger self once inspired:
When the facts go against you, resort to "values." When values go against you, resort to the mother of all values. When the mother of all values swoons, reach deep into the public purse with one hand, and with the other beat the public senseless with your dog-eared copy of Atlas Shrugged.
Definitely worth the read...
Fantasy Philosophy
At the Lighthearted Philosophers' Society meeting last weekend, I came up with my next great idea. Fantasy football has completely transformed the way football is watched and followed, so why not expand upon the idea and transform the way we read...
The Gop - Join The Party!
If you didn't know that I sort of despise the Republican Party and their heartless and shallow philosophies of religious conservatism and greedy libertarianism, then I guess the secret is out now... It's one thing that they hold on to values and...
Bill O'reilly's Logical Blunders
It's difficult to overstate the importance of the skills associated with critical thinking. Obviously, you want to have the ability and the know-how to recognize and evaluate the quality of arguments and the evidence provided to support them fairly,...
Sam Harris Vs. William Lane Craig - Where Do Objective Moral Values Come From?
Whatever its perceived weaknesses (and the critics have been relentless on some technical points), Sam Harris' recent book, The Moral Landscape, has recently reinvigorated the discussion concerning the objectivity of moral values and obligations....
Has Dilbert Refuted Sam Harris?
You've probably seen Sam Harris argue that science can answer moral questions because science deals with facts and values are a sort of fact (logic buffs should see straight through the problems with this argument). Lots of thinkers have weighed in...