If you didn't know that I sort of despise the Republican Party and their heartless and shallow philosophies of religious conservatism and greedy libertarianism, then I guess the secret is out now...
It's one thing that they hold on to values and beliefs that are antithetical to my own worldview. I can understand that, and I don't blame them for being wrong :)
But what's really unforgivable is the fact that their beliefs contradict their own beliefs all over the place! And you've got to be pretty stubborn and/or dumb not to realize/admit that something must be wrong somewhere along the line...
- Philosophy And Political Persuasion: Causation Or Correlation?
It is very tempting to draw a causal connection between these two stories. First, the Texas GOP declared in their party platform, a formal opposition to teaching critical thinking. "We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values...
- Hanno On Free Speech
Hanno's proposal to amend the flag burning amendment: LET US BAN the burning of the American flag. It is offensive to the majority of the citizens of this country. It is hateful. People place great importance in symbols of national unity, and the...
- Trayvon Martin, Fox News, And The Web Of Belief
We were all deeply saddened by the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. For some of us, the shooting reaffirmed our belief that, despite the optimistic talk of a "post-racial" America, this country is still deeply divided along racial lines....
- Sam Harris - Science Can Answer Moral Questions
Because of our long history of conquest, imperialism and xenophobia, we in the West have learned the hard way (though only as perpetrators) that we can't simply assume, and consequently impose, our beliefs and values on societies whose worldview differ...
- Dump Those Naive Notions Of "motion" Science...pierre Gassendi And Galileo
Pierre Gassendi January 22nd, 1592 to October 24th, 1655 "Modern students who study movement were found to harbour many of the same naive beliefs as our scientific forefathers. The history behind the elimination of these naive beliefs is presented here...