Has Dilbert Refuted Sam Harris?
You've probably seen Sam Harris argue that science can answer moral questions because science deals with facts and values are a sort of fact (logic buffs should see straight through the problems with this argument). Lots of thinkers have weighed in on this issue, but as far as I'm aware, no one has challenged the idea of values to begin with... except Dilbert :)

I'll be posting a series of presentations on the topic of science and morality in the weeks to come.
Fact-value Voters
I have always despised the term "values voters" to describe social conservatives. The purpose of the term is to contrast it with those who care about the needy, think that discrimination against minorities is a bad thing, and want to end needless killing...
?kant?s Moral Argument Cannot Be Defended.? Discuss.
The claim that Kant?s moral argument cannot be defended is questionable. Freud is someone who would agree with this claim. For Freud our moral awareness comes through a clash between our subconscious desires, instincts or wants (known as the id) and societal...
The Awesomest Sentence I Read Today
From a fascinating Slate article about why Robert Nozick came to reject the libertarianism his younger self once inspired: When the facts go against you, resort to "values." When values go against you, resort to the mother of all values. When the mother...
Moral Philosophy Hits Late Night Tv
I've always liked Craig Ferguson. He strikes me not only as a funny dude but also as a decent human being, and my admiration for him has just grown since he decided to invite to his show a professional philosopher, Jonathan Dancy, to discuss the nature...
Sam Harris - Science Can Answer Moral Questions
Because of our long history of conquest, imperialism and xenophobia, we in the West have learned the hard way (though only as perpetrators) that we can't simply assume, and consequently impose, our beliefs and values on societies whose worldview differ...