Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For?

Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For?

Been a while since we've done this one, so here goes:

I feel sorry for Marcel Marceau. While I appreciate Gwydion's call for a moment of silence, I suppose the real irony is that he is now indeed a man trapped in a box.

I feel sorry for the private defense contractors in Iraq working for Blackwater Security. I'm just glad that our mainstream media has a sense of perspective on this story, I mean, all they did was to murder some innocent people, it's not like they were trying to steal sports memorabilia or something.

I feel sorry for General David Petraeus. Not only did that liberal group Move On.org pick up on his own troops calling him "General Betray-us," but his boss Admiral William Fallon, the head of Central Command, called him "an ass-kissing little chickenshit." Come on here, people, that's not nice. I agree with Congress that American soldiers should not be working in a hostile environment.

So, who do you feel sorry for this week?

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- Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For Today?
We haven't had a pity party here in a while, so we're overdue. This week I feel sorry for the makers of roller coasters. Thanks to the stock market, they have joined the first baker who sliced bread, the ship-builders who gave us the Titanic,...

- Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For Today?
I feel sorry for Dick Durbin. Having your intellectual property stolen by George Allen is like getting mugged by Steven Hawking. On that note, I feel sorry for Macaques. Being associated with George Allen is a terrible insult to one's primate status....

- Who Do You Feel Sorry For?
I feel sorry for the White House staffer in the communications office who is part of the group that needs to track media coverage of the administration and has the job of reporting back every morning about the Daily Show with a straight face and a somber...

