Jon Stewart Pwns Bill O'Reilly on Profiling... and Math

Jon Stewart Pwns Bill O'Reilly on Profiling... and Math

We all know that Bill O'Reilly is a petulant, loud-mouth who bullies and yells at people he disagrees with (even when they are invited guests in his show), and it's kind of hilarious to watch him and Rush Limbaugh go at it every now and then, but I'm starting to wonder whether the Jon Stewart vs Bill O'Reilly little debates and repartees are fair... I mean, Papa Bear is like five feet taller, a lot louder, always willing to make up straw man arguments, and overshout everyone... and Jon Stewart, well, he takes the abuse graciously, but also drops an atomic bombshell every now and calls him out on the inconsistency of his bullshit...

Here's just one more example of that ass-kicking:

So, is O'Reilly a masochist or just clueless?

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