Rumble 2012 - Bill O'Reilly vs Jon Stewart

Rumble 2012 - Bill O'Reilly vs Jon Stewart

The recent presidential debate between Romney and Obama turned out to be a disaster. Romney came loaded with a semi-automatic shotgun full of soundbites and lies, he threatened to fire Big Bird, and once again flipped flopped on his position (I've never known a prostitute who can assume so many positions, but I guess if you're a corporate whore, you gotta be extra flexible). Obama, on the other hand, just let Romney get away with all these bs claims, and acted as though he hadn't slept in a few days. Maybe Clint Eastwood was right all along when he talked to that empty chair at the Republican National Convention...

So if that debate left you unsatisfied, worry not, my friends because Jon Stewart and Bill O'Reilly had a little debate of their own this weekend, which turned out to be more substantial and more entertaining. President Obama, take some notes from Jon Stewart on how to call a spade a spade, and how to have substantial and nuanced points to make while not being a total bore...

Check out more debates in our debate tag.

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