Is There Nothing Duct Tape Can't Fix?

Is There Nothing Duct Tape Can't Fix?

Have a wart? Say goodbye drug store, hello hardware store. According to several studies (here's one), duct tape is as or more effective in treating the common wart than the standard approach of freezing them off with liquid nitrogen. There are other studies that have failed to corroborate these results, but the fact is that whether it pans out or not someone had to apply for that first grant. How many times do you think they had to send out applications before someone gave them the funding for that one?

- What's The Difference: Antique, Classic, Historic
I was driving the other day behind an old rusty Subaru from the 80s and noticed it had historic plates. We then went into an antique store and saw things that I remember as new as the store radio played classic rock. So, what is the difference between...

- Can We Stick A Fork In Him Yet?
So a tape of racist, sexist, anti-Semite, drunk driver and wife beater Mel Gibson's verbal abuse has been released as they are going through divorce hearings. Why is he still working? Is it that he's good looking? Is it that his fame is pre-established...

- Apologies
Meant to answer the rest of the questions today, but came down with a stomach bug and am a bit preoccupied. Here are the unanswered ones -- take a swing if you care. What is mereological nihilism, exactly? pm How are things similar, so that they are...

- The Trickle Down Effect For A Street Vendor Of Used Books
"In Bookstore’s End, No Joy for Sidewalk Seller" by Jennifer medina September 14th, 2010 The New York Times Charles Mysak does not see himself as an island, entire of himself. He is a part of this city, a part of the main. And as he sets up his makeshift...

- The Falling Tree And Knowledge
VALIDATION OF EVENTS AND A CHANGE IN EPISTEMOLOGY "To sense or not to sense/to exist or not to exist"--It is just the way we observe and analyze the universe in that we conceptualize and formulate laws that explain things whether we are there are not....

