

Meant to answer the rest of the questions today, but came down with a stomach bug and am a bit preoccupied. Here are the unanswered ones -- take a swing if you care.

What is mereological nihilism, exactly?

How are things similar, so that they are knowable?From Aristotle's most telling Aporia in the Metaphysics, it was an eye opener for me when i was studying the Teacher of those who know...

What's the best way to quit smoking? By best, I mean the way that remains the most effective over the long term, not the easiest way; the best may in fact be the hardest.

Are there any synthetic a priori truths? Are there any analytic empirical truths?

1.)How do you think the Second Amendment should be interpreted, given that the idea of a militia opposing the government is almost inconceivable now? Should a new firearm-related amendment be proposed?

2.) Do you think a drinking age of 21 is appropriate? Do you buy into the studies done saying that 18 is more practical? Do you think it's just colleges doing the studies and getting skewed results?

3.) Is fearing death rational, irrational, or just sort of understandable?

4.)Is chivalry dead?

5.) Does my right to swing my fist really end at another man's nose? How do we determine just punishments? Hamurabi may make the how world blind, but mightn't that teach us a lesson for once?
Chris V

Go to town, I'm going to the toilet...

- Death, Hockey, And Love
A pair of questions from C.Ewing. First, Is there an important distinction between "clinically dead" and "dead"? Is there a lingering dualism within that phrasing or something else entirely?Yes, there is a difference. "Dead" is the explicandum and "clinically...

- When Analytic Philosophy Is A Life And Death Matter
Aurora Goes to Washington tipped me off on this article from the Washington Post, "The Doctors Who Are Redefining Life and Death." What is interesting is that it brought back something I had meant to comment on a while back after the Saddleback forum....

- Immanuel Kant
(1724-1804) ?Two things fill my mind with ever-increasing wonder and awe, the more often and the more intensely the reflection dwells on them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me,? is the statement carved on the gravestone of Kant...

- Self Improvement Will Yeild A Swing On A Star And Moonbeams In A Jar
A "pop" tune from the past with stars, moonbeams and pigs. Bing Crosby Peggy Lee and June Christy Would you like to swing on a star Carry moonbeams home in a jar And be better off than you are Or would you rather be a mule? A mule is an animal with...

- Moral/ethical Question
The John Templeton Foundation often posts moral/ethical questions. Here is one with a selected response by Christine M. Korsgaard. If you are interested in other responses, just ask. Does moral action depend on reasoning? Christine M. Korsgaard [Christine...

