Can We Stick a Fork in Him Yet?

Can We Stick a Fork in Him Yet?

So a tape of racist, sexist, anti-Semite, drunk driver and wife beater Mel Gibson's verbal abuse has been released as they are going through divorce hearings. Why is he still working? Is it that he's good looking? Is it that his fame is pre-established before the world came to know that this son of a Holocaust denier is the scum bag that he is? Or is it that Christian conservatives are held to a different standard? As long as you are conservative, you are given a cultural get out of jail free card=. Rush Limbaugh, after his drug addiction scandal paid no price. Is this more of the same? The saying in the blogosphere is IOKIYAR -- it's o.k. if you are Republican -- conservatives can run people out of town for small slips if they are liberal and the press will act as their enforcers, but for conservatives? Of course not. He made a Jew hating movie about Jesus, he must be a good man. How much of a jerk does Mel Gibson has to be before we can finally be rid of him?

- Hank Williams, Jr.: O.k., Obama As Hitler, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...but Netanyahu?
Everyone has surely seen the Hank Williams, Jr. rant from Fox's morning show by now. But, to remind you: So, Obama playing golf with Boehner is like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu? I get the Obama/Hitler reference -- both are hated by conservatives...

- Tea For Two?
Philo asks, "With people like O'Donnell, Angle, Paul, Miller, Buck, Paladino, ... running for the highest offices in the land as evidence, can we safely conclude this is the craziest election in the last fifty years?"On the one hand, we've always...

- Is Rush Limbaugh The De Facto Leader Of The Gop?
Rahm Emmanuel has been setting Rush Limbaugh up as the bogeyman to position the President's agenda against because Limbaugh, they argue, is the head of the Republican Party. Some argue that it is a cheap political tactic. It is. But is it true? D.L....

- Pity Party: Who Do You Feel Sorry For Today?
I feel sorry for Monica Goodling, the former aide to Alberto Gonzales who has to plead the 5th in her bid not to testify before Congress in the US Attorney scandal. A member of the Bush administration's Department of Justice going to the Constitution...

- Jonathan Haidt - The Moral Roots Of Liberals And Conservatives
If you've kept up at all with the various cultural wars in this country, you're painfully aware of the various stereotypes that liberals and conservatives hold with regard to each other: conservatives are gun-totin' Jesus/Ronald Regan-worshipping,...

