I Want to Be Sarah Palin?

I Want to Be Sarah Palin?

One of the things I despise about politics is the hypocrisy and the double standards: it's okay for our group to do something, but if those from the other side of the isle do the same thing, then that very same thing is evil; or conversely, it's so wrong for those on the other side to do something, but it's perfectly fine for our group to do the exact same thing, or even the very same thing on steroids...

I don't know whether it's willful manipulation or whether they are so blind by cognitive biases that they actually believe the things they say, but I have to confess that even thoughI never thought I'd see the day when I would want to be Sarah Palin, if being Sarah Palin means I would never again have to listen to Sarah Palin, then I'd want to be Sarah Palin. Jon Stewart explains:

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Talk about a dilemma!

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