Naked Self Advertising: The Onion and Philosophy
Ok, so today's entry is a bit different from usual: it's all about me :)
A while ago I was commissioned to write a chapter for a book on The Onion and Philosophy (basically, what you can learn about philosophy by laughing your ass off). Anyway, it looks like the book has just been officially published. It's a great read, so go buy it!
And you don't have to take my word for it. It's being highly recommended by luminaries such as Sarah Palin, who called it "a real page-turner... the best book I've read since Principia Mathematica" :)

In case you're curios, the chapter I wrote, partly inspired by this Onion story, is entitled "Pope Admits: 'God Ain't Said Shit to Me'."
It's an analysis of various arguments for the existence of God, and how The Onion deals with them: it's a hilarious bloodbath that can hopefully teach you some lessons in critical thinking and how to evaluate different kinds of evidence for all kinds of claims according to reasonable and reliable standards.
Apart from Sarah Palin, the book has also received positive reviews from God himself, as well as from philosophers such as Peter Singer (seriously), Elliot Sober, Steven Nadler and Robert Paul Wolff.
Beliefs And Public Office
In light of the upcoming VP debate tonight, here's one I've been thinking about. The LA Times reports on a secondhand claim that Sarah Palin believes "that men and dinosaurs coexisted on an Earth created 6,000 years ago -- about 65 million years...
Morbid Curiosity Leading Many Voters To Support Palin
I know she's not running now... my hopes for a 2012 Palin/Bachmann dream team ticket have now been ruined, but I wouldn't be surprised if we somehow managed to vote her in just out of a morbid sense of curiosity to see just how bad things could...
Sarah Palin & Michelle Bachmann - Fillin' In
Well, after recently claiming that being the President of the United States would only diminish her need for absolute power, it should come as no surprise to anyone that mavericky grizzly momma bear from bizarro world, Sarah Palin, has announced...
Sarah Palin's Blood Libel
If you were Sarah Palin, and you were confronted with the fact that the one-sided, delusional, bigoted and inflammatory rhetoric of your speeches (as well as your overt political tactics) may have influenced a deranged lunatic to go on a shooting spree...
"the Undefeated" Flop
Trying to compete with the latest Harry Potter film? It probably just needed more sex and violence or maybe a wizard or two. "Sarah Palin documentary The Undefeated opens to poor reviews" Critics unimpressed, but distributor undeterred as film rolls...