Figures Palin would claim it was a "Lame-Stream Media Gotcha Moment"

I wish I could consider myself a prophet, since I called it, but sadly the truth is much more mundane: this woman is too petty and too predictable.
I don't actually have much of a problem with ignorance. It's simply a lack of information which can be easily fixed. Arrogance, on the other hand, and the refusal to own up to one's mistakes (despite an ocean of evidence proving you wrong) makes me go bat shit insane because it's an insidious attitude contrary to the ideals of a lover of wisdom.
And that's exactly what Sarah Palin has done after her history lesson kerfuffle: she insists Paul Revere rode in the dark of midnight to warn the British that they were going to get ambushed the next morning. Yes, because when I think surprise attack, I always think 'let's warn the enemy ahead of time.' Luckily, Jon Stewart has something to say on the issue:
The Daily Show - Sarah Palin's Folksy Word Salad
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But since her followers have tried to "fix" the Wikipedia page on Paul Revere to fit in with what this bimbo believes, I guess she must be right...
Here's Stephen Colbert trying to prove Revere could have ridden a horse while ringing a bell and firing multiple shots from a front-loading musket:
The Colbert Report
Tags: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive
I stand corrected... and possibly sterile...
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