George Dyson--computers

George Dyson--computers


"George Dyson: The birth of the computer"

World Wide Web and Paul Otlet

[From stringer Tim.]

- Feast Of Saint Gracie
This week was the 102nd anniversay of the birth of Gracie Allen, a comic genius. George Burns always said that the reason he was so famous was that he had a terrific talent...and he was married to her for 38 years. Her timing, her delivery, her voice,...

- Einstein Quotes
Well, this is supposed to be the "ultimate" Einstein quotes edited by Alice Calaprice who is "...a renowned expert on Albert Einstein and was a longtime senior editor at Princeton University Press. She has worked with the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein...

- "living Popular Scientist" Poll
Who is your choice for living "popular" scientist? Brian Greene...0 Freeman Dyson...3 Lawrence Krauss...0 Neil deGrasse Tyson...2 Stephen Hawking...3 Somewhat surprised. I suppose Hawking would lead...he is quite an icon. I expected Krauss to be at the...

- A Birthday Celebration Today-- Freeman Dyson...#85
While he was in his 20s, Dyson made a huge contribution to science: He [with Feynman, Schwinger and Tomonaga] solved the central problem of quantum electrodynamics...a theory that describes how light and matter interact--without the credentials of a...

- World Wide Web And Paul Otlet
Paul Otlet August 23rd, 1868–10 December 10th, 1944 "The Web Time Forgot" by Alex Wright June 17th, 2008 The New York Times On a fog-drizzled Monday afternoon, this fading medieval city feels like a forgotten place. Apart from the obligatory Gothic...

