Feast of Saint Gracie

Feast of Saint Gracie

This week was the 102nd anniversay of the birth of Gracie Allen, a comic genius. George Burns always said that the reason he was so famous was that he had a terrific talent...and he was married to her for 38 years. Her timing, her delivery, her voice, pure comedy gold. She was in an act with her sisters from age 3. She partnered with George in 1922. Originally, George tried to deliver the punchlines in their Vaudeville act, but then sanity set in and the rest is history. They were married in 1926 (he was Jewish and she Catholic -- a big deal at the time), moved to radio in 1931, and tv in 1948. She ran for President in 1940 -- in one of her speeches, she said,
"As I look at all these trusting and loving faces, tears come into my eyes and if you must know why, it's because my girdle is killing me."
She joined Saint Shecky on the big stage in Comedist heaven in 1964.

Some Gracie classics:

"They laughed at Joan of Arc, but she went right ahead and built it."

"Gracie, why should I give your mother a bushel of nuts? What'd she ever give me?"
"Why, George, she gave you me. And I'm as good as nuts."

"There's so much good in the worst of us, and so many of the worst of us get the best of us, that the rest of us aren't even worth talking about."

"My husband will never chase another woman. He's too fine, too decent, too old. [said when George Burns was only 64. He lived to be 100]"

Say good night, Gracie. Thank you.

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