Blogroll Additions

Blogroll Additions

I have an open-link blogroll policy, that is, I'm happy to link to anyone who links here. I have a message in the sidebar asking anyone who has the Playground blogrolled to e-mail me to let me know, but I know that folks don't often read it and many are always a bit shy about contacting someone they don't know.

I'll be updating the kaiser/blogroll soon, eliminating dead links for blogs that no longer exist and redirecting to the ones that have been moved. I'd also like to make a call for folks who would like reciprocal links. So, if you don't see your blog listed and would like it to be, leave a comment with the address (and feel free to do a bit of shameless self-promotion telling us the sort of thing you usually write about). Also, if there's a wonderful blog that folks here at the Playground should be reading, please let me know.

- The Playground Is Closed
This is my 2,000th and final post at the Philosophers' Playground.  It's been six and a half years of almost daily entertainment posing questions and provocative theses for you folks to bat around.  It was during a sabbatical when my...

- Is Blogging Passe?
This is my 1,500th post on the Playground. That's a lot of words. I first really got plugged into the blogging world during the Presidential primary of the 2004 elections when Howard Dean's campaign was largely a self-organized on-line phenomenon....

- Favorite Blog Names
Short post today because I am on the road. I'll be speaking this weekend at Unbroken Chain: The Grateful Dead in Music, Culture, and Memory -- it's being billed as the largest conference on the legacy of the Grateful Dead, and the first to be...

- Happy Birthday, Philosophers' Playground
Have a piece of cake! Today is this humble little playground's first birthday. I can't believe it has been an entire year since I let Aspazia talk me into starting a blog, but it has been a lot of fun. I could not be more surprised or pleased...

- Thinking Blog Award
Aspazia tapped me with this meme that's been circulating -- the Thinking Blog Award. I usually don't do these, but I do think there are some smart lesser known blogs I would love to see get a wider readership. (hint: it also helps to get someone...

