Happy Birthday, Philosophers' Playground

Happy Birthday, Philosophers' Playground

Have a piece of cake! Today is this humble little playground's first birthday. I can't believe it has been an entire year since I let Aspazia talk me into starting a blog, but it has been a lot of fun. I could not be more surprised or pleased at the community of diverse, intersting, and thoughtful people that stop by to chat, joke, and occassionally mix it up. You are all wonderful and make this an enjoyable part of my day. I want to thank all of you who are regular commenters, irregular commenters (some more irregular than others), people who link to the Playground from their blogs, and those who stop by to read. I especially want to thank The Wife who puts up with one more thing in our hectic lives.

I called the blog the Philosophers' Playground because I hoped people would come out to play and I could not have asked for better playmates. Thank you all so much.



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