

Sort of like..."If a tree falls in the woods and there is no one there to hear it, does it still make a sound?" "Blogs" might fall into that this one.

- Blogroll Additions
I have an open-link blogroll policy, that is, I'm happy to link to anyone who links here. I have a message in the sidebar asking anyone who has the Playground blogrolled to e-mail me to let me know, but I know that folks don't often read it and...

- Best Blog Others May Not Know About
We all have our blogs that we check out regularly -- some are major names, others not so much. What would you recommend that you think more people need to read? Looking for blogs here that are insightful, but underrated (you can include your own if you...

- Blogs And Citations
So I get an e-mail the other day from someone asking very politely if he could have permission to translate one of my posts into French and put it on his blog. I responded as I usually do to such requests, saying no problem and feel free to reprint anything...

- Thinking Blog Award
Aspazia tapped me with this meme that's been circulating -- the Thinking Blog Award. I usually don't do these, but I do think there are some smart lesser known blogs I would love to see get a wider readership. (hint: it also helps to get someone...

- The Falling Tree And Knowledge
VALIDATION OF EVENTS AND A CHANGE IN EPISTEMOLOGY "To sense or not to sense/to exist or not to exist"--It is just the way we observe and analyze the universe in that we conceptualize and formulate laws that explain things whether we are there are not....

