Banksy on Advertising

Banksy on Advertising

And if you want some of his irreverent and thought-provoking humor, check out what he did with the intro to The Simpsons.

- Truth And Falsity In Advertising
Heard on NPR yesterday that New York mayor and uber-rich guy Michael Bloomberg broke with his tradition and did not hand out full-sized candy bars to trick-or-treaters this year, but just the little ones. Makes you think about truth in advertising because...

- Feast Of Saint Matt
Brothers,sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, This week sees the 54th birthday of cartoonist Matt Groening. Many of us first saw his work in the syndicated "Life in Hell," a comic with a smart, ironic feel, usually carried in alternative papers....

- Michael Shermer - The Baloney Detection Kit
In this blog we have featured previously a basic intro to logic and argumentation, a primer on the importance of critical thinking, a fun intro to informal logical fallacies, and many more relevant entries. And yet the main point cannot be emphasized...

- Lecture 6 - Primary And Secondary Qualities
No introductory philosophy course is complete without at least touching on the famous distinction between primary and secondary qualities originally proposed by Descartes, but explored in more detail by Locke, Berkeley and Hume. If you don't...

- The Atheism Tapes - Arthur Miller
After having explored the intellectual roots of atheism in A Brief History of Disbelief, Jonathan Miller continues his series of thought-provoking conversations with leading intellectuals. In this installment with the late playwright Arthur Miller, he...

