The Atheism Tapes - Arthur Miller

After having explored the intellectual roots of atheism in A Brief History of Disbelief, Jonathan Miller continues his series of thought-provoking conversations with leading intellectuals.
In this installment with the late playwright Arthur Miller, he discusses the relationship between being a Jew in America while simultaneously being a non-believer. More interestingly perhaps, they explore the implications and oddities of the history and politics of antisemitism in the twentieth century, as well as our strange tradition of associating atheism and religious skepticism with being... unpatriotic?!?
Check out A Brief History of Disbelief (parts 1, 2 and 3).
Thesim, Atheism, And Rationality
A few questions related to religious belief this time around, so let's have at 'em: Enigman asks: What precisely is it, about the world (and/or oneself), that inclines reasonable people towards (i) atheism, or (ii) theism, so that they regard...
Atheism Is A Religion Like Abstinence Is A Sex Position
When it comes to debates between religious folks and non-believers, it's not uncommon to hear the former claim that atheism is itself a religion ultimately based on faith. And it's not just your ordinary bible-thumping redneck either. If you've...
Penn Jillette - This I Believe: There Is No God
When it comes to the intellectual battle between atheism and religion, the group with the imaginary friends ain't gonna win. But what about the intellectual tension between atheism and agnosticism? One could argue that atheism is an arrogant position,...
Ken Miller - Where Is The Missing Human Chromosome?
One curious difference between humans and the rest of the great apes is the fact that the latter all seem to have one more chromosome than we do. Now, since evolutionary theory predicts a very close genetic relationship to our closest cousins, this oddity...
The Story Of God - Life, The Universe And Everything
Humanity has been curious about the nature of the universe and our place in it for a very long time. That curiosity, as well as our large heads and the fact we are big fat copycats, might be one of the reasons we stand in such a peculiar relation to the...