Feast of Saint Matt
Brothers,sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere,
This week sees the 54th birthday of cartoonist Matt Groening. Many of us first saw his work in the syndicated "Life in Hell," a comic with a smart, ironic feel, usually carried in alternative papers. It's funny how there are comics that never leave you, and

this one was always one of my favorites...possibly because it came out my first year in grad school.
It was big news at the time that he was going to do animated shorts during The Tracy Ulman Show, a comedian of extraordinary talent. Seemed a great pairing. Little did anyone suspect that the slots would lead to
The Simpsons, one of the few times I can remember that an incredibly smart, sharp, and insightful bit of cultural commentary would become a fad. And so it was for the first few years, but the quality of the writing has made the show the only legitimate reason to turn on Fox for many years.
The word "D'oh," no doubt will make the OED one year soon. So, this weeks questions, best Simpsons line and best Simpsons episode.
Live, love, and laugh,
Irreverend Steve
The Feast Of Saint Voltaire
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, This week saw the 314th birthday of François-Marie Arouet, better known as Voltaire. Voltaire is the Comedist John the Baptist, he was a Comedist before there was Comedism. It was Voltaire after...
Damn It Jim, I'm A Doctor Not A Comedian
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, Yesterday would have been Gene Roddenberry's 87th birthday. Trekkies have born the brunt of many a joke, so this weekend let's turn the table and open it up to your favorite Star Trek...
Feast Of Saint Carol
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, This week we celebrate the feast of Saint Carol. Carol Burnett turns 75 this weekend. She was born in Texas, but raised by her grandmother in Hollywood. Working her way up through small parts,...
The Feast Of Saint Jo Anne
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, This week we celebrate the feast of Saint Jo Anne. Thursday was Jo Anne Worley's 70th birthday. A regular on The Merv Griffin Show, she became one the cast of Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In...
Kerry Should Repent, Not Apologize
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, This weekend I write disappointed in the junior Senator from Massachusetts. Yes, John Kerry failed us. His words were offensive. Not to the troops -- they weren't the target of his comment....