The Word - Learning Is Fundamental

The Word - Learning Is Fundamental

President Obama has proposed that we need to increase our time investment in education if we hope to be able to compete with the rest of the world. You might think that makes sense, but Fox News is concerned about the local small businesses, like the neighborhood pimps and drug dealers, who will lose their competitive edge and go bankrupt because their employees and customers are in a classroom in some school, getting the skills necessary to make it as respectable citizens...

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Learning Is Fundamental
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorMichael Moore

"What you earn is more important than what we learn." Ouch! :)

Great work, Andy, but of course, word to the wise, asking children whether they want universal healthcare might not be the wisest strategy :)

- Dawkins On The Daily Show? Fuck That: Metallica On Colbert!
So apparently the blogosphere is awash with entries about the interview Richard Dawkins did with Jon Stewart a couple of days ago. I love Dawkins, and was thinking about posting that interview here, but when I realized Metallica had made an appearance...

- Colbert And Maurice Sendak On Children's Books
If you have kids, I hope you've been smart enough to realize that most children's books are written by idiots and celebrities (a distinction usually without a difference) who most likely write for children because they certainly would not be able...

- Tiny Triumphs - Lethal Drug Shortage Irony
No, I'm not talking about the fact that the standard practice is to sterilize the needle for a lethal injection (it does make one wonder, though), or even about the fact that the lethal drug has an expiration date... I'll just let Stephen Colbert...

- The Word - Nothingness
When I think about current politics, I usually get frustrated and amazed by the fact that so many disenfranchised people are being manipulated by the rich and powerful into creating growing political movements that seek to preserve the interests of the...

- Stephen Colbert - Cheating Death... Through Placebos
Stephen reports that Camel technology develops new ways to deliver disgusting carcinogens into your body without the tedious need to light up and look cool in the process, but, as one might suspect, Camel can't compete with Prescott Pharmaceuticals'...

