Michael Sandel on The Colbert Report
Questions of right and wrong confront us all the time and from all directions. Unfortunately, most of us are not equipped with the necessary philosophical background to think about them consistently, systematically and with a view to their logical implications.
Luckily, Professor Michael Sandel from Harvard University has an entire course (which we have already featured in its entirety) devoted to thinking philosophically about everyday moral issues.
But as if that weren't awesome enough already, Professor Sandel recently paid a visit to Stephen Colbert to talk about how to think philosophically about questions of justice ranging from whether it is fair for ARod to make so much money while teachers barely manage to scrape by to whether it's fair for Harvard students to pay ridiculous amounts of money for a course that you can watch freely on youtube :)
The Colbert Report
Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive
And if you want to watch the Justice course, here are all the episodes:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
Stephen Colbert - The Word: Medical Leave
As political philosopher Michael Sandel has argued in the past (as in this video and in this article from The Atlantic), when we turn from a market economy to a market society, we have taken a decidedly wrong turn... Instead of valuing people as persons...
Take The Money, Donald Trump! Do It For The Children!
Apparently Donald Trump wants to help charities, but he won't donate the money without extorting President Obama to release documents that, let's face it, will not satisfy the birthers and their conspiracy theories. Fortunately, Stephen Colbert...
Colbert And Maurice Sendak On Children's Books
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Stephen Colbert Occupies Occupy Wall Street
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Rep. Steve King Is A Racist Douchebag
One could argue that it takes major balls to make the claim that minorities (like blacks and native Americans) owe reparations to white people for past injustices (like the cost of slavery), but a better argument might be that what it takes is a complete...