Kool-Aid on a hot day

Kool-Aid on a hot day

posted by confused, maybe not

- Practical Jokes
My Fellow Comedists, This week's topic is practical jokes. The experience of having been pranked is the key to it all: first, the confusion, then the realization which gives rise to need for evasive action, then the sense of having been had, and finally...

- The Humanity Of Broken Hearts
In the wake of the suffering post a couple weeks back, Confused, Maybe Not and I considered a proposition I want to throw out here. Is it an essential part of being a human to have had your heart broken? Is it an experience everyone should have? Does...

- Our Third Blogoversary
Today is the third anniversary of Philosophers' Playground. Hard to believe it's been three years and 975 posts. I want thank everyone who has stopped by, commented, guest posted, or lurked. I am incredibly proud of the gang who frequents the...

- Barry And 756
Posted by confused, maybe not At LGM http://lefarkins.blogspot.com/2007/08/756-hold-askterisk.html, Scott Lemieux writes: "756, Hold the Asterisk Yglesias proclaims all-time HR leader Barry Bonds "the greatest offensive player in the history of baseball."...

- Still Kicking, Sorry About The Confusion
For those of you who noticed and were concerned with a very personal post a few days ago, thank you for your posthumous words of kindness, but everything is all right. That was an entry I created a while ago to be automatically posted on Christmas, should...

