Our Third Blogoversary

Our Third Blogoversary

Today is the third anniversary of Philosophers' Playground. Hard to believe it's been three years and 975 posts. I want thank everyone who has stopped by, commented, guest posted, or lurked. I am incredibly proud of the gang who frequents the place. Friends from various places, former students, family, and folks I know just from our daily fun here. I love the debate, I love the puns, I love the company. Thanks everyone.

- The Playground Is Closed
This is my 2,000th and final post at the Philosophers' Playground.  It's been six and a half years of almost daily entertainment posing questions and provocative theses for you folks to bat around.  It was during a sabbatical when my...

- Happy Blogoversary, Everyone!
It's been half a decade at the Playground. After 1,570 posts, Philosophers' Playground turns 5 years old today. Thanks for everyone who stops by, commenters and lurkers alike. Seems as good a time as any to check in. Are there irregular posts...

- Nerd Valentines
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, This Valentine's weekend, I recall that a certain Playground regular has an alternate romantic use of the word "logic," and so inspired let's come up with the geekiest ways to describe...

- It's Our Blogoversary!
Philosophers' Playground opened two years ago with the simple little post: Red rover, Red rover, send some smart, funny people right over.And, man oh man, it happened. You friends really are the reason this has remained fun. The witty snark, the insightful...

- Old Friends
Aspazia wrote a touching post the other day on that feeling of never being able to outgrow one?s place in the family. Old discomforts and awkwardnesses persist regardless of how much you?ve changed or grown. But I?ve been thinking about the flip side...

