The Humanity of Broken Hearts

The Humanity of Broken Hearts

In the wake of the suffering post a couple weeks back, Confused, Maybe Not and I considered a proposition I want to throw out here. Is it an essential part of being a human to have had your heart broken? Is it an experience everyone should have? Does it teach you something about being human that you can't learn in other ways? Is someone who lives his or her whole life in bliss with the object of his or her first love missing something?

- On Those Who Gave Their Lives
On Veteran's day, it is appropriate to think about those who gave their lives. There are those who died, lives of hope and promise terribly amputated from young people who hopefully understood the cause. But those who perished are not the only ones...

- The Police And Bitter Old Liberals
Since their re-union tour is connected with the Virgin festival which is coming to Baltimore, local stations have been playing a lot of Police. Tunes I haven't heard in years. That was some good stuff. It's made me think... Sting has done fine...

- Why I Don't Want My Kids To Be Stoics
The key to good parenting is consistency, not sending mixed messages and being able to explain foundational moral notions in a clear, unambiguous, and intuitively graspable fashion. One of the things that is most important to us to convey to our short...

- Horrifying Planet - Zebra: Nature's Ultimate Prey
When it comes to the philosophical problem of evil (the question of how an omnipotent and benevolent God would allow unnecessary suffering to exist), religious believers tend to argue that suffering is a necessary consequence of our having free will:...

- Friction - A Christmas Party Trick
If you need to entertain your holiday guests, especially those with a competitive streak, and you have a couple of old phone books laying around, Stephen Fry and his QI guests are here to teach you a simple and inexpensive party trick you can use...

