Internet and the logic of interaction and information

Internet and the logic of interaction and information

What can I say, Internet participants have probably violated every informal logic fallacy.

As a review...

Informal Fallacies

- 5 Invalid Arguments That God Does Not Exist
We have already dealt with some logical fallacies and you know how to classify them. Logical fallacies are often used in advertisement and politics but are even more explicit when it comes to religious debates. ?Does God exist?? is one of the oldest philosophical...

- Michael Shermer - The Baloney Detection Kit
In this blog we have featured previously a basic intro to logic and argumentation, a primer on the importance of critical thinking, a fun intro to informal logical fallacies, and many more relevant entries. And yet the main point cannot be emphasized...

- Critical Thinking Animated Primer
One cannot stress enough the importance of critical thinking. Without it, we would be defenseless against the manipulative tactics of other people, governments, religions, the media, corporations, politicians, swindlers, etc. Without it, we would not...

- Logical Fallacies
If you've paid attention to the kind of discourse that's become increasingly popular over the past few years, you may have noticed that it seems we have made the unfortunate choice to collectively sacrifice evidence and reason in favor of ideology...

- "miracle On 34th Street"...bad Logic?
Miracle on 34th Street Bad logic, but a great story...Santa's authenticity is in doubt and winds up in a New York court. How do you prove with authority, accepted by all, of Santa's genuine status? The sharp attorney has the idea of making an...

