Michael Shermer - The Baloney Detection Kit

Michael Shermer - The Baloney Detection Kit

In this blog we have featured previously a basic intro to logic and argumentation, a primer on the importance of critical thinking, a fun intro to informal logical fallacies, and many more relevant entries. And yet the main point cannot be emphasized enough: critical thinking is a crucial form of mental self-defense against possible manipulation and exploitation by others, and it is also the conceptual basis upon which we can figure out how to become citizens of the world and create a more promising future.

You can spend a lot of time and energy learning the vast landscape that is critical thinking, and you definitely should, but in the meantime you might find it helpful to learn a few simple heuristics from Michael Shermer that will help you tell the difference between possibly interesting and productive claims that might be worth your time investigating and exploring, and absolute bullshit pseudo-scientific woo-woo...

For more related entries, check out the Enemies of Reason tag.

- How Early Should We Teach Philosophy?
I'm writing up a piece with the middle school teacher who invited me into her classroom for the last two years -- last year for a weekly logic/critical thinking module and this year's focusing on ethics and metaphysics. It has me thinking about...

- Thinking Blog Award
Aspazia tapped me with this meme that's been circulating -- the Thinking Blog Award. I usually don't do these, but I do think there are some smart lesser known blogs I would love to see get a wider readership. (hint: it also helps to get someone...

- Logical Fallacies Classification - Formal And Informal Fallacies
Logical fallacies are classified in many different ways since there is still no agreement between thinkers for that matter. What are logical fallacies? The best definition of a fallacy in logic is an argument with poor reasoning (critical thinking rules...

- Thou Shalt Not Commit Logical Fallacies!
With unprecedented access to the vast accumulation of knowledge of the world at our fingertips, it is disappointing to see that even though we are living in the midst of the information age, this is not an age of wisdom. We seem to be surrounded by pseudo-scientific...

- Critical Thinking Animated Primer
One cannot stress enough the importance of critical thinking. Without it, we would be defenseless against the manipulative tactics of other people, governments, religions, the media, corporations, politicians, swindlers, etc. Without it, we would not...

