Critical Thinking Animated Primer

Critical Thinking Animated Primer

One cannot stress enough the importance of critical thinking. Without it, we would be defenseless against the manipulative tactics of other people, governments, religions, the media, corporations, politicians, swindlers, etc. Without it, we would not be able to make progress in our knowledge of the world, society and ourselves; we would not be able to make wise decisions; we would not know how to become better citizens of the world; and we would not be able to have a hope of engaging with, and maybe even discovering the answers to, some of the deepest philosophical and scientific questions the human mind has ever pondered.

Hopefully I've been able to give you a comprehensive and fun introduction to logical fallacies in the past, but it's never a bad idea to sometimes go back to the basics, as the following animated clips on argumentation, fallacies and cognitive biases demonstrate:

Part 2: Broken Logic

Part 3: The Straw Man fallacy

Part 4: Ad hominem attacks

Part 5: The Gambler's Fallacy

Part 6: A Cautionary Tale

- Logical Fallacies Examples ? Appeal To Novelty And Age
As always let's begin with a simple definition. A logical fallacy is an error in reasoning which usually relies on a wrong assumption made in the argument. Appeal to emotion is one of the most popular types of logical fallacies ? examples of these...

- Thou Shalt Not Commit Logical Fallacies!
With unprecedented access to the vast accumulation of knowledge of the world at our fingertips, it is disappointing to see that even though we are living in the midst of the information age, this is not an age of wisdom. We seem to be surrounded by pseudo-scientific...

- Michael Shermer - The Baloney Detection Kit
In this blog we have featured previously a basic intro to logic and argumentation, a primer on the importance of critical thinking, a fun intro to informal logical fallacies, and many more relevant entries. And yet the main point cannot be emphasized...

- Bill O'reilly's Logical Blunders
It's difficult to overstate the importance of the skills associated with critical thinking. Obviously, you want to have the ability and the know-how to recognize and evaluate the quality of arguments and the evidence provided to support them fairly,...

- Logical Fallacies
If you've paid attention to the kind of discourse that's become increasingly popular over the past few years, you may have noticed that it seems we have made the unfortunate choice to collectively sacrifice evidence and reason in favor of ideology...

