Colbert Celebrates Lent by Giving Up Catholicism

A couple of days ago you may have seen a bunch of people walking around with dirt on their foreheads: they were Catholics and the dirt was really ash in the shape of a cross pressed against their foreheads by someone who's probably implicated, or about to be, in some case of child abuse. Oh yeah, he's also wearing a large dress... Don't say I didn't warn you :)
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, the season of preparation for the resurrection of Jesus, and his subsequent meeting with the Eastern Bunny, on Eastern Sunday, or something like that... And the tradition is to give up something that really matters to you for forty days. Stephen Colbert decided to give up his religion :)
But you can't just eat bacon to be Jew... you also have to walk the walk...
And by that I guess I meant talk the guilt trip :)
The Origin Of The Celebration Of Lent
Mt Fellow Comedists, I've been doing a lot of research into the history of religion lately as I wind up writing Einstein's Jewish Science, and this is inspired by a comment from good brother Hanno and is almost true: Setting: meeting room in the...
Nothing Borrowed, Nothing Lent
As we move into the Christian season of lent, it raises an interesting question. During lent, Christians live a more modest lifestyle giving up particular pleasures. Other religions also set aside times where certain physical needs are left unmet to create...
Dawkins On The Daily Show? Fuck That: Metallica On Colbert!
So apparently the blogosphere is awash with entries about the interview Richard Dawkins did with Jon Stewart a couple of days ago. I love Dawkins, and was thinking about posting that interview here, but when I realized Metallica had made an appearance...
Faith/off - Easter Vs Passover
And so it was that three days after his crucifixion, Jesus sent the Easter bunny to lay some chocolate eggs for kids to find, get high on sugary sweets, and eventually get tooth decay that would drive stock prices up for the Tooth Fairy's corporate...
God: Wrong For America, Wrong For Your Penis
I recently reported on the absolutely bananas congregation sponsored by Texas governor Rick Perry. Very quickly, the idea is that a bunch of Christians "leaders" intent on running the country are basically aware that they have no idea how to do it, so...