Zoetrope anniversary

In 1867, the Zoetrope was patented by William E. Lincoln of Providence, R.I. (No. 64,117). The device was the first animated picture machine. It provided an animation sequence of pictures lining the inside wall of a shallow cylinder, with vertical slits between the images. By spinning the cylinder and looking through the slits, a repeating loop of a moving image could be viewed.
Persistence of vision
And. today marks another anniversary...
In 1896, the first movie shown to a paying theatre audience in the U.S. was presented using Thomas Edison's Vitascope. The movie had a series of short scenes, and were part of a program with other acts at Koster and Bial's Music Hall, 34th St, New York City. Included in the film shorts were a ballet scene, a burlesque boxing match, waves on a sea shore, and a comic allegory The Monroe Doctrine, all of which were projected at about half life size.
Rite Of Spring Riot
This is the 99th anniversary of the premier of Igor Stravinsky's ballet "Rite of Spring" in Paris. It is a musical dance tribute to pre-Christian Russian paganism, especially focused on some sense of the fertility ritual. Not only is this an edgy...
Amazing .gifs Of Super Hero Comic Books
"Iron Man Gets the Shakes and Other Superheroic Animated GIFs" by Lewis Wallace December 1st, 2011 Wired Lovingly crafted by comics creator Kerry Callen, the image is one of four he made to test his hand at injecting movement into iconic superhero...
Francis Ford Coppola’s Vision
Another novelty like 3D...doomed. "Coppola’s Vision for Twixt: Director as DJ" by Lewis Wallace July 23rd, 2011 Wired Legendary filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola’s unlikely vision for the future of cinema would turn directors into DJs, touring with...
Some historical data on the first celluloid kiss. That was way back in 1896 and called...well, The Kiss [aka The May Irwin Kiss, The Rice-Irwin Kiss, and The Widow Jones]. It was the final scene of a stage musical [The Widow Jones] and featured May Irwin...
Persistence Of Vision
It is strange how the brain can perceive a series of still images and translate them into motion. It is called "the persistence of vision" and explained by Michael McKinney: Our eyes are one of the five specialized ways our mind uses to form a picture...