Why Do You Know That?

Why Do You Know That?

Let's try this again. It's the converse of "auto mechanics to quantum mechanics," where the idea now is to contribute those bits of knowledge that seem really cool even if they are not directly applicable to anything.

Mine for this week:
In Ethiopia, 12:00 a.m. is what we think of as 6:00 a.m. (from a former student who just got back).

Ohio has the only non-rectangular state flag.

The philosopher Hans Reichenbach introduced skiing to Turkey when he fled there after the Nazi purge of 1933. He was also a great ice skater.

What do you know and why do you know it?

- Auto Mechanics To Quantum Mechanics
Yup, it's time once more for auto mechanics to quantum mechanics. I have schtick I do at the beginning of all my classes where I let students ask any question at all, anything from auto mechanics to quantum mechanics and if I don't know the answer...

- Why Do You Know That?
Let's go to the well one more time. It's the converse of "auto mechanics to quantum mechanics," where the idea now is to contribute those bits of knowledge that seem really cool even if they are not directly applicable to anything. Mine for this...

- Why Do You Know That?
Let's pull this one back out. It's the converse of "auto mechanics to quantum mechanics," where the idea now is to contribute those bits of knowledge that seem really cool even if they are not directly applicable to anything. My contribution:...

- Why Do You Know That?
Let's have some more fun with this one. It's the converse of "auto mechanics to quantum mechanics," where the idea now is to contribute those bits of knowledge that seem really cool even if they are not directly applicable to anything. My contribution:The...

- Why Do You Know That?
It worked a little while back, so let's try "Why Do You Know That?" again. It's the converse of "auto mechanics to quantum mechanics," where the idea now is to contribute those bits of knowledge that seem really cool even if they are not directly...

