Auto Mechanics to Quantum Mechanics

Auto Mechanics to Quantum Mechanics

Yup, it's time once more for auto mechanics to quantum mechanics.

I have schtick I do at the beginning of all my classes where I let students ask any question at all, anything from auto mechanics to quantum mechanics and if I don't know the answer I try to find it. When I first started the Playground, some former students asked if I could recreate it here, so every once in a while I do. If there is a question you've always wanted to ask, let 'er rip and we'll try to get to as many as I can during the week.

- Auto Mechanics To Quantum Mechanics
With the start of the semester, it seems a good time for this. I have schtick I do at the beginning of all my classes where I let students ask any question at all, anything from auto mechanics to quantum mechanics and if I don't know the answer I...

- Auto Mechanics To Quantum Mechanics
I have schtick I do at the beginning of all my classes where I let students ask any question at all, anything from auto mechanics to quantum mechanics and if I don't know the answer I try to find it. When I first started the Playground, some former...

- Auto Mechancis To Quantum Mechanics: Any Questions?
It's been a while since we've done this and I've been meaning to get back to it for about a month or so, so let's have at it. For those new to the Playground, I have a schtick I do at the beginning of each class where I let the students...

- Auto Mechanics To Quantum Mechanics
It's that time again. For those new to the Playground, I have a schtick I do at the beginning of each class where I let the students ask absolutely any question they have, any question at all, from auto mechanics to quantum mechanics. Some former...

- Auto Mechanics To Quantum Mechanics: Any Questions?
It's that time again. For those new to the Playground, I have a schtick I do at the beginning of each class where I let the students ask absolutely any question they have, any question at all, from auto mechanics to quantum mechanics. Some former...

