What is it?

What is it?

For a free ride on the latest Russian probe [now stuck in an Earth orbit] to a Mars moon, supply an answer to the above laboratory apparatus system...what does it represent? Only one clue...something that happens in a house.

- Earth's Two Moons?
"Moon Jr.: Once Upon a Time, the Earth Had Two" by Michael D. Lemonick August 3rd, 2011 Time Earth must have felt pretty inadequate a week or two ago when astronomers announced that distant Pluto has yet another moon. Pluto! Recently demoted to a dwarf...

- Earth And Asteroid 2010 Tk7
Asteroid 2010 TK7 Earth has been playing "follow the leader" with a trojan asteroid for thousands of years. The first near-Earth object other than the moon to have ever been identified, TK7 shares the same orbit as our planet but about 50 million...

- 14% Wider And 30% Brighter...our Moon Tomorrow Night
FULL MOON...AND MARS Friday night's full Moon is the biggest and brightest full Moon of the year. It's a "perigee Moon," as much as 14% wider and 30% brighter than other full Moons you'll see later in 2010. But that's not all. Mars is...

- Phoenix Mars Lander--a. C. Gilbert
Quite a successful landing for NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander--an in situ soil laboratory. Maybe it would have been cool to name this Martian probe the "A. C. Gilbert" Mars Lander for this is basically a sophisticated chemistry set in action. These...

- Cleanliness...
Cleanliness in space and materials and samples brought back is a critical aspect of space exploration. Being responsible travelers and explorers in space we don't want to contaminate alien environments. And we certainly don't want any contamination...

